Contract Staff – ‘Hybrid Staffing Solution’
Britannia Healthcare’s focus is to provide innovative employment solutions that result in reduced agency costs and increased staffing levels for the NHS.
Britannia Healthcare recruits and employs qualified Filipino nurses who can be subcontracted to NHS hospital trusts (for 6 – 24 months) at much lower than agency rates.

Our ‘Contract Staff’ service will generate ‘like for like’ cost reduction of between 20% – 60% compared with using agency staff. Even for low order volumes this equates to £M’s savings compared with using agency nurses.
We are able to leverage our ownership of a Philippines recruitment agency (Sharp BH Global Manpower) to recruit a cadre of the best qualified nurses for employment with Britannia Healthcare for deployment as contract staff to NHS facilities.
Other benefits include providing a reassurance that nursing posts are staffed, reducing the administration and short-notice planning associated with utilising agency staff for individual shifts.
We recognise the importance of reducing agency spending whilst ensuring safe clinical staffing levels in NHS facilities. As an awarded supplier of agency staff to the NHS’s Collaborative Procurement Partnership we understand the costs faced NHS hospital trusts which uregently need to employ agency staff.
Our ‘Contract Staff’ service ensures that you are able to receive the benefits of a much lower than market rate contract staff without the costs and administrative burdens of managing recruitment and employment. The contract term depends on your needs and contracts of between 6 – 24 months are available.
By creating a seamless single interface via Sharp BH Global Manpower, we can significantly reduce recruitment costs and lead-time whilst eliminating complexity, nonessential third parties and brokers from the recruitment process.
How does it work?
Britannia Healthcare develops a working agreement with ‘sponsoring’ hospital clients for the sub contracting of specific roles on a long-term basis (usually 6 – 24 months).
Nurses are recruited from the Philippines and directly employed by Britannia Healthcare thereafter they are supplied on a contract basis to UK hospitals.
Britannia Healthcare takes full responsibility for all aspects of HR including salary, mobilisation from the Philippines, administration including visa, accommodation and relevant insurances.

Our Contract Staffing solution enables our UK clients to make significant savings by eliminating the high costs of nursing agencies, eliminating recruitment costs and administrative and payroll responsibilities.
Britannia Healthcare works closely with Sharp BH Global Manpower throughout the recruiting, mobilisation and contract process.
Further details of the Contract Staffing Process are outlined below:
Establish an MOU and Contracting Recruiting Agreement which identify the number of nurses required and accepts the requirement to sponsor contracted nurses for the purpose of preparing for the OSCE examination.
We will work out a recruitment programme that satisfies an employers shortfall mindful of the lead-time necessary to establish a pipeline of nurses.
Sharp BH Global Manpower will source and select suitable candidates in the Philippines. We will work closely with UK employers throughout the recruitment supported by Britannia Healthcare in the UK. We will run a ‘Final Interview and Selection Program’ to allow employers to make final hiring decisions.
All necessary documentation for clearance and necessary for entry to the UK will be managed by Sharp BH Global Manpower. All nurses selected will attend the Competency Based Test at a Manila Pearson View testing centre.
Britannia Healthcare will process the necessary visa, travel and employment documentation in the UK.
Nurses will travel in groups following completion of the necessary mandatory clearances in the Philippines.
We will arrange accommodation, provide orientation, assistance with setting up bank accounts and the essential aspects of life in UK so that nurses can quickly start work. We will seek support from employers to conduct an induction programme. Our welfare service is available to nurses throughout their employment contracts.
During the first phase nurses will work under supervision until they have successfully completed the OSCE exam and NMC registration. Sponsors are advised to assist with preparation for the OSCE exam.
On successful completion of OSCE and NMC registration, nurses will fulfill the obligation of their contract as band 5 nurses. The length and scope of each contract will be stipulated in the initial MOU agreement.